Thursday, September 10, 2009

The pool cue in the corner

The course of cleaning out my friend David's garage is going to cross my path with a lot of unusual things, I think. For instance, when I went over today to do some work, I ran across a chainsaw in a plastic bag, a pool cue under a pile of blueprints, and a bunch of paintbrushes in the fridge... right. I've gotten the area around a work bench in the corner partly cleared- enough for me to start using the workbench for organizing the random spare parts that I've started this project out with. I've also cleared enough room around the fridge for me to actually get to it to stock it with PBR and sodas. Not that PBR constitutes the top end of the beer spectrum, of course, but when you're doing something like fixing up a '66 moped, you need to tailor your post-work beverage selections to be appropriate. I'll drink PBR at concerts and after working on bikes, and save the Wells Bombardier for when Henri and I are celebrating how awesome we'd be if we were both Daniel Craig.

In the meantime, I've specifically avoided working on Cub until I've gotten the garage into a mostly-functional state, for the sake of prioritizing. I have a nasty habit of dropping tasks when I start new ones, rather than incorporating them into part of a larger project... Of course, I'm aware that this means I'm blogging about cleaning a garage in a blog intended for motorcycle geekdom, but bear with me for a little while longer and hopefully it'll be worth the while. Tomorrow David and I are having a garage sale, and assuming even half the crap we have so far sells, we'll have freed up obscene amounts of space. Once the 400 ton CRT TV goes to the dump on Tuesday, I think I can cautiously start poking at lug nuts and tightening cables... but no promises yet. Incidentally, if anybody's interested in a yard sale in the Atlanta area, comment. We'll probably have at least one more...

-The Proprietor

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